Oct. 22nd
To Walden
Ebby Hubbards oaks now turned a sober & warm red & yellow have a very rich crisped & curled look -escpecially against the green pines - This is when the ripe high colored leaves have begun to curl & wither -then they have a warm & harmonious tint. First they are ripened by the progress of the year & the character of each appears in distinct colors. Then come the severe frosts & dulling the brilliancy of most - producesa harmony of warm brown -or red & yellow tinges through out the forest. -Something like marbling & painting over it -making one shade run into another. The forest is the more rug-like.
Henry D. Thoreau
from his Journal 1852-1853
Den här dagboksanteckningen från år 1852 skulle kunna vara en anteckning från just idag om naturens årliga cirkel just där jag bor.
Thoreaus notering är som ett foto, en ögonblicksbild av att hösten nu har satt ned foten och bestämt sig.